We meet monthly (7:00 pm. 1st. Wednesday) by Zoom; see details on MEETINGS tab. Our two-meter VHF repeater reaches most of the central portion of the state; see ON-THE-AIR tab. New members are always welcomed; see MEMBERSHIP tab. Lastly, our Father’s Day Hamfest is held annually to the delight of area ham radio operators and electronics enthusiasts; see HAMFEST tab.
Member interests vary widely. Hot topics include HF operating, VHF operating, disaster preparedness, public service, and social interaction. FT8 (a digital mode) has exploded in growth. Although Morse Code (CW) proficiency is no longer a license requirement, popularity in that mode continues to rise. Lastly, computerized logging/rig-control (software packages such as DXLabs Suite) has greatly enhanced operating conveniences. Most likely someone in the club has interests similar to yours. Volunteers for activities are always appreciated; what interests you? Membership is not required for meeting attendance or to use our repeater system. Membership is required for voting in elections or on issues.
Club Officers:
Vacant | President |
Bud Governale W3LL | Vice-President |
Neil Gustafson W3ZQI | Secretary / Webmaster |
Dave Shadwell AB3TE | Treasurer / Hamfest Co-Chairman / Historian |
Ed Fowler KC3YFZ | Member at Large / Hamfest Chairman / Ambassador |
Jim Green WB3DJU | Member at Large / Hamfest |
The SignMan Rick NV5A provides Baltimore Amateur Radio Club name badges and other merchandise.