CCARC -Fox Hunt
April 12 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

The Carroll County ARC will be hosting a Fox Hunt on April 12, 2025, beginning at 10:00 AM. See attachment for flier and map.
Fox will be hidden somewhere in northern Carroll County MD transmitting on 146.565 MHz.
On-air coordination will be through CCARC club repeaters. Sharing your location and bearings with other hunters through our linked repeaters is allowed and encouraged.
Sykesville: 147.285 “+” offset 600 KHz, PL 107.2 Hz
Westminster: 145.410 MHz, “-” offset 600 KHz, PL 114.8 Hz
Westminster: 449.875, “-” offset 5 MHz, PL 127.3 Hz, FM& C4FM
Early registration appreciated but not required. Questions or comments should be directed to event coordinator:
WZ3J Lou Nickles Text: (443) 240-0829 wz3j@arrl.org