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Father’s Day Hamfest and Swapmeet
June 15 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
BARC Father’s Day Hamfest and Swap Meet
Join us for the 2025 BARC Father’s Day event in Upperco, MD. This upcoming exciting event will be held on Fathers Day Sunday June 15th. featuring a giant flea market for traditional tailgating, miscellaneous items, and food. Featured items included: amateur radio gear, electronics, radio control, disaster preparedness items, and numerous door prizes. We thank MFJ Enterprises, K4IA Easy Ham Books, Alpha Antenna, The ARRL, and Ed KC3YFZ for their generous donations in 2024. DXCC (including 160 meters) and WAS QSL card checking by Bill N3WD. Plan on this each Father’s Day. Hours: 8 am.-noon. Location: the Arcadia Volunteer Fire Company grounds, 16020 Carnival Avenue, Upperco, MD 21155 . Our value pricing is $5 suggested donation for admission; $10 suggested donation per tailgating space.