BARC Monthly Meeting By Zoom

Club meetings are on the first Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm. by Zoom. Select “Join Meeting” then enter: Meeting ID 350 725 6358 . Password: 374406 (requires computer connection, this is not a phone number). Dial-in by telephone … Continue reading

Apollo 11 Moon Walk Special Event with call sign W3A

National Electronics Museum 338 Clubhouse Road, Hunt Valley, MD, United States

This on-air event commemorates the 56th. Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Walk.  The Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum (ARCNEM) will be on the air.  Seeking operators for this event.  Extended operating hours are possible.  Contact Tom … Continue reading


Pearl Harbor Commemorative On-Air Event at the National Electronics Museum

National Electronics Museum 338 Clubhouse Road, Hunt Valley, MD, United States

National Electronics Museum K3NEM will be on the air for several days before and after December 7th.  Baltimore Amateur Radio Club members and others are invited to participate.  Contact Tom K3YH to be added to the operating schedule.
