Monthly club meetings are on the first Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm. by Zoom. Select “Join Meeting” then enter: Meeting ID 350 725 6358 . Password: 374406 (requires computer connection, this is not a phone number). Dial-in by telephone only: (301) 715-8592. Do log in to the meeting starting at 6:30 pm. for informal chit-chat.
Club membership is not required for attendance or to join our e-mail reflector.

Saturday Events at the National Electronics Museum
In collaboration with ARCNEM (the Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum), we are scheduling some Saturday (weekends vary) meet-and-greet, training, and on-air events. Typical meet up time will be 10:00 am. with on-air time to extend to 10:00 pm. Any interest in over-night contest operating?–please let us know. While on-air for contest or special on-air events take place, additional operators can queue up in the conference room. That is where we will also be conducting ad hoc/informal training in operating and other topics. Do let us know of your on-air event and ham radio topics of training interest.