* * * Membership Year is the 12 month period between November 1 of one year and October 31 of the next year. Our latest fiscal year began on November 1; all memberships expired as of that date. Per club by-laws, “A member who does not pay his or her Dues within one month after the the beginning of the Membership Year automatically forfeits his or her membership”. Please see below for details on how to send payment to maintain your membership. Thank you for your support. * * *
There are many fine benefits of being a member of Baltimore Amateur Radio club:
1. A lively club Facebook page for very current information–hosted by Ed KC3YFZ Club Ambassador.
2. Use of club equipment in the event yours is sent off for repair; you are never off the air!
3. E-mails sent to your e-mail account with the latest club announcements.
4. An informative club webpage with information about our repeater system, the BARC Father’s Day Hamfest and Swap Meet, various activities (including meeting schedule), and club meeting minutes.
5. Be a part of the popular BARC Father’s Day Hamfest and Swap Meet, held each year.
6. Access to up-to-date club minutes, club calendar info, attendance data, and membership roster information at HamClubOnLine.
7. Of most importance, monthly meetings that foster camaraderie and fun.
BARC supports the Amateur Radio Service goal of providing quality pubic service, typically in the form of communications support to other public service and charitable organizations. Although from time to time we will coordinate our activities with the ARES and RACES Emergency Service organizations, it is our primary goal to service support requests with volunteers from within the membership of the BARC organization. All members are welcome and encouraged to support our public service activities. All of these benefits are available to you with your yearly membership dues and a commitment to make amateur radio fun and exciting for as many as you can.

Membership data is maintained in HamClubOnline. Select BARC/W3FT at that website. BARC member roster, club calendar (with meeting minutes for past meeting), club .PDF documents, on-line application, and attendance data are featured. Create an account if none currently.