If you are new or new to the Maryland Area, thinking of learning, BARC can help.
Under 18 – FREE. Rebate of FCC fee, Free Training, Free Exam, Free ARRL Associates Membership
Beginner start HERE. Need Free Training Here – click on Technician.
We meet monthly by Zoom at 7:00 pm. on the first Wednesday of the month. Click for meeting information. Look for postings our our once-a-month Saturday events. Club membership is not required for attendance.
Visit our Facebook page for most up-to-date club news.
Updates: Updated the Reference Page, Training by Class
Click View Calendar link bottom left – above to go to the Calendar / event page. The Calendar event page will allow display by a list or by a monthly calendar format.
https://w3ft.com/events/month Month View
To load/Import the BARC Calendar to your Google or Outlook (apple use ICS) – Go to the Calendar / event page. Bottom right Select Subscribe to Calendar and pick an option.
CONTESTS: Use this link to look for the contests. Click on the left side contest to go to the details. https://www.contestcalendar.com/weeklycont.php
Gus White AA3GG Equipment Sale Still Available
Welcome Next Generation
Paul KD3ABP, age 14, is an example of a young person who has basic goals and an idea of how to reach the finish line. He mastered in less than 6 months the Technician License, Setup a VHF/UHF and 10 M HF contact from his QTH (Home). Contact was 5,200 miles to Argentina. He can build homebrew antennas. Apply the NanoVNA (antenna analyzer) for analysis. He can run a 1,500-watt station and manage to work a major contest. Paul is preparing for the General License to gain more skills and frequency band privileges. Photos ( ARCNEM- K3NEM) (Pauls’ Shack)

If you are under 18, the cost is zero. Just your time. You will learn physics hands-on. Learn electronics. Learn how to take an idea and make it work. Come join us for a learning adventure. Fun is #1.