Welcome to our webpage

We meet monthly by Zoom at 7:00 pm. on the first Wednesday of the month. Click for meeting information. Look too for postings our our once-a-month Saturday events. Club membership is not required for attendance.

A free, weekly, live, Amateur Radio Extra Class Licensing course on Zoom will begin on Thursday, January 16, 2025, and will run through Thursday, March 27.  There will be 11 sessions.  The three-hour sessions will start at 6:30 PM Eastern Time.  Sessions will be recorded.  Those attending should hold (or be studying for) the General Class Amateur Radio License.  These are the classes that we have been holding for years sponsored by the National Electronics Museum.  Please publicize this with anyone that you think would be interested.  Those wishing to sign up should email roland.anders@comcast.net. Rol Anders, K3RA

Visit our Facebook page for most up-to-date club news moderated by our Club Ambassador Ed KC3YFZ.

Upcoming Events

Click View Calendar link bottom left – above to go to the Calendar / event page. The Calendar event page will allow display by a list or by a monthly calendar format.

To load/Import the BARC Calendar to your Google or Outlook (apple use ICS) – Go to the Calendar / event page. Bottom right Select Subscribe to Calendar and pick an option.

Gus White AA3GG Equipment Sale

The Rich History of Ham Radio Culture. Good reading! Thanks to Russ N3YI.

Mike Ketzis K2TPKZ operating Maritime Mobile on his cruise to Bermuda

Mike K2TPZ with his Electraft transceiver
Mike K2TPZ with his Electraft transceiver

Valued BARC member Mike Ketzis K2TPZ had the opportunity, unusual to most of us, to operate Maritime Mobile (K2TPZ/MM) on his recent cruise from Baltimore to Bermuda. An Elecraft KX2 radio with AX1 whip antenna at QRP 5 watts of power on CW (Morse Code) netted him a number of contacts on the way. Here you see him on his sixth deck balcony. On shore in beautiful Bermuda, Mike operated as K2TPZ/VP9. He split his time making contacts to the U.S.A., Bermuda, & Europe, with vacation time with his family. Far from Mike’s first cruise including amateur radio!

Back home in Baltimore, Mike is an avid CW operator, particularly enjoying QRP (low power). Retired as a U.S. Army major in Armor and Public Affairs, he spoke of operating from most every residence in his military career. Typical Army officer housing is not particularly ham operation-friendly. Lots of creativity in small wire antennas and whip antennas like the Ham Stick enabled him to maintain his CW proficiency and make international contacts. Mike is frequently the first face seen at our annual Father’s Day Hamfest when he works the main gate, starting in before dawn. Glad to have a military veteran still comfortable with getting up at such unreasonable early hours. Thank you Mike for your support to our club!

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Member Profile: Benjamin “Bud” Governale W3LL

So how did a kid from Brooklyn, N.Y. get involved with amateur radio.

I was a resident student at my high school in the upper reaches of the Bronx. That means I lived there along with the Marist order of teaching Brothers.

Brother Felix had his ham station set up in the rear of the physics classroom. Each afternoon he would get on the air and talk to the world of ham radio operators using both voice and Morse Code.

He noticed that I took an interest in what he was doing and so became my mentor. He taught me all that I needed to get my FCC license and the rest is history.

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picture of Bud W3LL
Bud W3LL (photo W3LL)
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BARC Adopts HamClubOnline

Ham Club Online Logo

We are pleased to announce adoption of HamClubOnline for our club administrative activities. This innovative web-based software from K6VEC Amateur Radio Group Inc., provides most all functions necessary to relieve club officers of various tasks, enabling them to get back to the fun stuff of ham radio like operating and tinkering! Security authorizations enable layered access to various data objects. The mobile-aware GUI (graphical user interface) is even effective on smart phones.

Members gain greatly too. Features include detailed roster information (updated by the individual members), information sharing by a group roster, skills matrix, an on-line membership application, on-line dues payment support (coming to our implementation), elections support, and more. Monthly meeting minutes (restored to full proceedings) have been moved from the BARC web page to this facility.

.Various screen shots follow. Look for caption below each graphic:

HCOL Basic Menu
Roster header which reports fields such as Name, Address, Callsign, E-mail Address, Club rank, and Last Logon.
HCOL Roster Header
HCOL Skills List
HCOL Calendar
Panel one of a HCOL ballot
HCOL Ballot (Panel 1)
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