Category Archives: Uncategorized

Welcome to our webpage

We meet monthly by Zoom at 7:00 pm. on the first Wednesday of the month. Click for meeting information. Club membership is not required for attendance. August, 2024 meeting prime topic: TBA. 2024 ARRL Field Day by The Amateur Radio … Continue reading

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FREE On-Line Amateur Radio Operating Class

A free, weekly, 3-hour Amateur Radio Operating Class on Zoom will begin on Thursday April 4 and run through June 20 at 6:30 PM Eastern time.  The presenters will be various experienced folks in the various subjects. A detailed syllabus … Continue reading

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BARC Adopts HamClubOnline

We are pleased to announce adoption of HamClubOnline for our club administrative activities. This innovative web-based software from K6VEC Amateur Radio Group Inc., provides most all functions necessary to relieve club officers of various tasks, enabling them to get back … Continue reading

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Chesapeake Amateur Television Society (CATS) weekly net on W3FT repeater 146.67-

Our wide-area 2-meter FM repeater W3FT is the meeting place for the weekly CATS ATV Net, each Wednesday evening at 9:00 pm. and frequently at other hours for informal contacts. Amateur Television (ATV) began in use by radio amateurs even … Continue reading

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